About us

The Teamfrom Firewood Store

Many years of experience and high standards of wood quality and sustainability are our strengths. Of course, we supply you with firewood, firewood, as well as chopping blocks and chopping blocks of the highest quality.

The health of the forest in harmony with sustainable forestry is always the focus of our work, which we pursue with love and passion for wood. With Fuel Stock you can rely on quality awareness and sustainability – guaranteed!
Our firewood has short transport routes and comes from forests in the region. There it is grown and extracted according to certified forest standards. However, sustainability not only means being environmentally friendly, but also resource-saving. Therefore, at most as much wood is harvested as grows.

This basic approach ensures the preservation of our forests and, as a supplier of firewood, we ensure that you can use our products as a sustainable, renewable energy source and ecologically sound. Sustainably managed forests make a valuable contribution to environmental protection, to which we feel committed. It is not for nothing that the forest is referred to as a carbon sink that absorbs CO2 and produces oxygen within photosynthesis.



Trust the experience and a proven company. FuelStock have no secrets for us. We do everything to offer the best possible services and products year after year.
Transparency, honesty, punctuality and customer care are the values ​​we follow.
The wood comes from the local & certified forests of our region. The firewood is sawn, split and dried in an environmentally friendly way with the heat radiation of a biogas plant.
Each order is treated individually and as a priority. We determine the place, time, size and amount of firewood or fireplace together with the client. 
Thanks to our experience, we also act as an advisor, so if necessary, we also advise on the best choice of wood for the fireplace.

  • Free transport in Opole and the surrounding area to the house itself.
  • The wood is thrown over the box of the car.
  • The wood is split and cut to size for the customer.

The delivery service operates throughout the EU region 7 days a week. We value your time and arrive exactly when agreed.

Where to order?

Contact us for fragrant alder/birch firewood. Our company purchases proven wood from local safe forestries. We prepare firewood in advance to provide you with a large selection of good, hot fuel for the heating season. You can order chopped firewood and chocks, in bulk or stacked (storehouse), in a grid or in a box.

Call the numbers listed on the site, or place an order in one click.

SIA “AV Crewing” jaunu produktu radīšana ar ilgtermiņa ieguldījumiem koka skaliņu ražošanā”.

Projekta numurs: 20-03-AL33-A019.2105-000009

SIA AV CREWING ar Eiropas lauksaimniecības fonda lauku attīstībai Latvijas Lauku attīstības programmas 2014.-2020.gadam pasākuma “Atbalsts LEADER vietējai attīstībai (sabiedrības virzīta vietējā attīstības stratēģija” apakspasākuma “Darbību īstenošana saskaņā ar sabiedrības virzītas vietējās attīstības stratēģiju” līdzfinansēto projektu Nr. 20-03-AL33-A019.2105-000009 ir iegādājusies skaliņu ražošanas iekārtas Posch Autosplit 250 un Unicariers gāzes dzinēja iekrāvēju.

Atbalsta Zemkopības ministrija un Lauku atbalsta dienests

SIA AV CREWING ar Eiropas lauksaimniecības fonda lauku attīstībai Latvijas Lauku attīstības programmas 2014.-2020.gadam pasākuma”Lauku saimniecību un uzņēmējdarbības attīstība” apakšapasākuma A006.041 “Ar lauksaimniecību nesaistītu darbību attīstība” līdzfinansēto projektu Nr. 22-03-A00641-000039 ir iegādājusies malkas zāģi-skaldītāju Posch S-415 Projekta realizācija termiņš – 2025.gada decembris.

Atbalsta Zemkopības ministrija un Lauku atbalsta dienests