Alder firewood: characteristics and properties of wood

alder firewood

Features of the composition. Alder wood contains polyphenols – plant polymers with antioxidant properties. When the tree is cut down, the polyphenols react with the oxygen in the air and turn bright orange or red. The reaction products, which are called flobafen, protect the tree from destruction. That is why alder retains its properties for several years even on the street.

Alder wood also contains tannins – tannins, almost like oak. Thanks to them, alder in nature grows in swamps and swamps, and in the woodshed it does not collapse under the influence of dampness. However, this does not mean that alder can be stored at random: damp firewood will be more difficult to kindle, and the lower logs will begin to rot.

Burning speed . Alder firewood has a medium-low density: 460-540 kg/m3. More than linden (490 kg/m3), but less than birch (550-650 kg/m3). Therefore, it quickly flares up, but also quickly burns out.

Density. Another property for which alder is valued by carpenters and carvers is the same density of the inner and outer layers. This means that when dried, the log does not crack. For those who buy alder for firewood, this feature is a hallmark of the breed. A dry log of aspen, for example, will be covered with cracks in the cross section, but not of alder.

Where are the properties of alder wood best revealed?

Brazier. Alder logs, turning into coals, transfer the spicy smell of smoke to fried meat and vegetables. The heat from the alder is enough for tender chicken, sausages, liver, mushrooms or bell peppers.

Fireplace. Have you heard the expression: “ alder is royal firewood ”? It appeared at a time when royal people heated their apartments with them. They were chosen for the absence of smoke and a beautiful calm flame with red reflections. You can get closer to the aesthetics of royal palaces by ordering alder logs for your fireplace.

Smokehouse.  If you smoke products on alder chips, it acquires a golden crust and a spicy bitter-spicy aroma. What can be smoked on alder? – anything, from tomatoes and sausages to oysters and squids.

Bath. The traditional bath “in a black way” is heated with alder. Why in black? – because the hearth is right in the steam room. It is possible to be in such a bath only if soot and carbon monoxide do not come from firewood. As a “royal” wood, alder not only does not smoke, but also saturates the air with antibacterial substances and immunostimulants. What you need for recovery and a pleasant evening in the bathhouse.