What is the difference between an RM and an SRM piece of wood?

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Room meter (abbr.: RM) is the unit of measurement for 1 m layered pieces of wood (pieces of wood or logs), which, including the air gaps, fill a total volume of 1 m³. If you saw and split these columns into wood that is ready for the stove and put these logs back on, you get a maximum of 0.8 m³ due to sawing losses and “less air in between”. Please also note that the fresh wood shrinks by up to 15% in volume during the drying process. Bulk cubic meter (abbr.: SRM) is the unit of measure for poured logs. Instead of being stacked tightly, the split logs are simply poured, which leaves significantly more air in one cubic meter of wood than with proper stacking. So that a loose cubic meter is measured, lattice boxes are used with a filling volume of just over 1.00 m³.